Card Art
Card Specs
Category | Specification |
Card Type | Item - Chromeware |
Faction | Fake Tech |
Rarity | R1 |
Funding Cost | 2F |
Rules Text
This Item equips for a 1F cost to a biological/humanoid Creature card you control.
/Invasive Implant/ This Item cannot be moved to another creature once equipped.
/Guaranteed Cancer/ Equipped creature dies after 30 turns. But it’s worth it cuz they can wallrun and do flips.
[Stark… Tony Stark] Must kick-start the nuclear engine- do 100 crunches and wait one (1) turn. This must be done before you can utilize the buffs.
Increase STR to 8;
Increase DMG dealt by 200;
Susceptible to EMP and electric attacks—creature becomes ‘robot’ type.
Weak Point: Any firearm critical hits cause instant death- BOOM!
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