Mondo Megabits is an NFT project headed by Sam Hyde and Jet Neptune. It is a multimedia comedy project depicting a satire of modern society framed in a pseudo-fictional card game. Each multimedia object released by the main development team represents a card from this fictional game.

Relation to the -mgbmix- Project

The goal of the -mgxmix- project is to bring this fictional half-game into reality by fully developing its ruleset and card text. (-mgbmix- is unaffiliated with the main Mondo Megabits dev team)

Main Team’s Original Rule Video

Here’s the original video the NFT team posted in relation to a set of proto-rules. A lot of it doesn’t make sense, which is why I intend to alter and augment the rules by adding new concepts to my ruleset.

Comparison to my Ruleset

I’ve also written an extremely long-winded report on what differs between the video and my ruleset. I do not recommend reading this to understand the rules. It’s for people who want to see exactly what I took from Sam’s rules and what I didn’t.

Proto-Rules Comparison