The Think Tank is one of the most important areas of an -mgbmix- game for each player.
Imagine the Think Tank as your closest and strongest allies working for your cause behind the scenes.

Think Tank Placement on the Board

A player’s Think Tank area should be kept closer to the player, behind the Active Zone, but in front of the Look Hand. It’s in the middle of the area belonging to a single player.

Members of the Think Tank

Your Think Tank area houses many different cards including your Seated Figurehead, your Agenda, Group, face-down Plot Twist, and Tactics cards, as well as any cards kept in the Stowed Hand. There are also occasions where a card may become attached to one’s Think Tank.

Depending on the build of your deck, you may have more cards in your Think Tank area than your Active Zone, so leave enough room for all your cards.

Think Tank Actions

Your Think Tank will help generate Funding for you to pay for cards and abilities, as well as further your Narrative Score along its path to victory. These actions require a Seated Figurehead and are called Fundraise and Proselytize.