The Think Tank zone starts empty. To get the most out of your Think Tank, you will need to perform various game actions, some of which will require specific cards while others are generally available to use. Your Think Tank also has some passive abilities.

Think Tank Action: Seating

Seat a Creature of the Figurehead subtype within your Think Tank.

Seating is a free action that moves a Figurehead from the Active Zone to the player’s Think Tank. Likewise, Unseating is a free action that moves a Figurehead out of the Think Tank and back to the Active Zone.

A player may either Seat or Unseat once per each of their turns.

A player cannot Seat or Unseat during another player’s turn.

A maximum of one Figurehead may be seated in a player’s Think Tank at any time.

Seating unrelated to summoning sickness

Seating and Unseating are Think Tank actions and have no relation to summoning sickness.

In other words:

  • A creature that just entered play may be seated
  • An unseated creature returning to Active Zone does not become summoning sick

Think Tank Passive: Protection

The Figurehead seated within a Think Tank is protected. That creature cannot be targeted with attacks, abilities, etc. until all creatures in that player’s Active Zone are gone. At the same time, a seated Figurehead in a Think Tank cannot attack or use abilities either. Instead, they are used at the end of turn to Fundraise (gain Funding) or Proselytize (advance Narrative).