Card Art
Card Specs
Category | Specification |
Card Type | Creature - Footsoldier |
Faction | Bum Legion 2099 |
Rarity | R4 |
Funding Cost | 4F |
Rules Text
Creature Stats
Stat Chart
HP | STR | INT | FYT | NRG | SWG | PSI |
350 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 8 |
[Pick Up a Guy With You Mind Throw Him at a Wall Hahaha]
- 150 DMG.
[Mynd Vyrus, Fear Incarnate]
- Creatures with under 300 HP cannot attack you.
- Opponent must reshuffle card. Can only be done twice.
[Shortsword Sweep]
- 50 DMG, stuns for one turn.
- Target creature will come down with tetanus in 60 days. Red Solo Hans Solo, Beat Your Cup Stacking PR: 3.4 seconds, holy shit. You did it!
Card Nav
SET | 𐌢 |
Next Card | 0121 - Ditch Contraband |
Previous Card | 0119 - Sky Bums |