Card Art
Card Specs
Category | Specification |
Card Type | Tactic - Bailout |
Faction | Bum Legion 2099 |
Rarity | R5 |
Funding Cost | 2F |
Rules Text
This Tactic enters play face-up in your Think Tank.
You may activate its effect at any time.
After using its effect, send this card to your history.
[Sacrifice, Taste It] When you activate this card, you may sacrifice a creature If you do, pick one target creature to scar. Once scarred, target will deal ‘emotional baggage’ damage (50 DMG) to all friendly cards for 2 turns. On the third turn, target creature commits suicide.
Card Nav
SET | 𐌢 |
Next Card | 0125 - Cigarette Bum |
Previous Card | 0123 - Horizontal Lynching |