Two Hands
The hand represents a collection of cards that the player has access to deploying during their turn. The general ‘Hand’ is broken up into two very distinct subsections called the Look Hand and the Stowed Hand.
It's important to understand the differences between the Look Hand and the Stowed Hand.
Two Areas
The Look Hand is what most people would consider a player’s ‘hand’ in a card game, but the Stowed Hand includes all cards saved for later which can be used in the same way as in one’s hand.
The Look Hand
The Look Hand includes the cards that you get to draw at the start of your turn. These cards must be used in some way that turn (including Stowed), otherwise they are discarded.
The Stowed Hand
The Stowed Hand includes all Stowed cards and can be accessed on any turn. These cards are kept face-down in the player’s Think Tank area.
Board Location for Hands
Despite having two separate groups of cards called your Hand, you don’t need to hold them with different hands…
The Stowed Hand can be kept on the playing surface (table, etc.) in the area of your Think Tank. Stowed cards are left face-down on the playing surface by default.
The Look Hand can be kept on the playing surface if you wish, as long as it’s left closer to the player and clearly delineated from the Think Tank. But generally, you’ll want to hold onto the cards in your Look Hand until you use them in some way, since they will go to discard at the end of turn otherwise.
Interacting With Hands
There are cards are interact with an opponent’s hand (or yours). This usually means their Stowed Hand if you activate the effect on your turn (since they would have no Look Hand). But if your effect occurs while the opponent has a Look Hand, you may interact with those cards too (both are part of the Hand).