
Card Specs

Card TypeAgenda - Hoax
Funding Cost4F

Rules Text

If you control this card at the end of your turn, this card performs your turn’s Proselytize at no cost.

At the beginning of your turn, you may select one of the following effects to broadcast.

/Grrrlboss Respect/ Until your next turn, any time your opponent attacks one of your creatures, he must say forgive me, Queen”. If he forgets to do this, the attack fails and the opponent’s creature takes 100 DMG. Place a Misogynist counter on the attacker, if male.

/Grrrlboss Appreciate/ Your opponent must pay you 1F per turn for every female creature you “control”, OR 1F per turn for each male creature he controls, whichever is higher. Misogynists cost TWO 2 coins.

/Grrrlboss Protect/ Your Intelligentsia creatures are invulnerable.

/Grrrlboss Empower/ F.E.M.A.C.U.B.E.³ and Rainbow R!ot creatures you control get +2 FYT, stat gain is permanent (the state-run media apparatus defends everything they say and do, no matter how demonic)

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